Tuesday 8 May 2012

One regret

3 hours 32 minutes 57 seconds

That is how long it has been since the start of what is going to be one of the hardest days possible

Yeah I know I signed that form allowing it to be done....
I never should have signed it. If it had only been 24 hours later my decision would have been totally different.
He left me when he knew I couldn't change my mind. He told me he would be there for me then after that form, he said 'Let's just be friends this isn't working.'
By then it was too late to change my mind. The deed had been done.

I done it for him. That was what he wanted. I wanted very differently.

I know my friends don't think I made the right choice and do you know what?
They are right. My choice was based around what he wanted, he led me to believe it was the right choice. I didn't get to think about what I wanted til it was too late.

Everyday I have to deal with the choice I made. It's horrible, nothing can ever change how I feel about it. No one is there who understands or that can help me through it.

I feel so very empty and sad like I'm in mourning. You didn't do anything wrong in this world for me to inflict that upon it, that much pain. My only wish now is to be there with you now holding you so tightly. I wan't to be up there with you. Daddy might not of loved you but I certainly did.

You were inside me but only for a while
Only in my dreams do I embrace your smile.

In my thoughts I see you, my bleeding heart is torn
for my darling little baby who would never be born.

Though my arms ache to hold you, my grief so hard to bear.
The pain you must have felt that day, my pain cannot compare.

If I could live my life again, there would be one less regret.
The day I took my baby's life, the day I can't forget.

I wan't to make it right but I don't know how.
I just want to be up there
holding my angel tightly for the rest of eternity

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