Saturday 26 May 2012

Eventful Friday nights

Went for a picnic yesterday with Y and E. We sat in the meadows surrounded by hundreds of other people.

We wined and dined, quite literally. Rose wine, artichokes, french bread, humous and fruit salad.

We laughed and joked. It was a great evening til it went bad....

I've had this wheezing cough for about 4 days. If I breathe in or out too much and I go into a coughing fit and can't catch my breathe. I was coughing when I was out, so I left them to walk to the bus stop. I made it about 100 yards before I couldn't move because I was coughing so much. I text E to come and meet me. They came and helped me get to the bus stop.

They decided my breathing was that bad I should go to Hospital. So off we went. By the time I arrived I was having to lean on the reception desk unable to talk as I couldn't catch my breathe. They wheeled me away and left E and Y in the waiting room. My temperature was 38.4, I had a fever,hough I felt cold all day. I had all the regualar checks done bloods, blood sugar, blood pressure and oxygen levels.

I was asked if I had any family history of chest problems. Both my Mum and my Dad have asthma. My Mums is very severe. My Dad had pneumonia as a child and my Granddad passed away last October from pneumonia.

They finally let my friends through to sit with me. The lovely doctor Emma came to see me. She listened to my chest and done a few other checks. She decided I needed a chest xray. They waited til my friends had gone for a break before they took me, It was scary being wheeled through to resus. It's daunting going in. Lying there just staring at the ceiling. The radiologists made me feel very relaxed while I was having it done.

Came back and E returned as Y had to go home. The doctor brought me strong antibiotics. Which smell and taste like milkybar. Yum!

I had an ECG done that was quite fuzzy aparantly. E made me laugh as she was pretending to be a doctor. I asked what I should tell my parents. The doctor said that I had Pneumonia (liquid on my lungs which showed up on the xray and examination) lucky for me it was mildso it meant that I could be treated at home if I wanted or stay in hospital. I chose to go home.

E took me home in a taxi. I got home about 1.30am.

The advice I was given is not to sit in the sun, BOO!! Rest lots! Plenty of fluids, take the antibiotics (2 tablets twice a day) and that if there is no change by Sunday night or that I get pains in my chest I'm to go straight back.

I'm glad I went to hospital now. I had planned to get an appointment at GP on Friday. If I had of waited til then it would have been alot worse. It sucks that I can't go out when it's such gorgeous weather. As I'm writing this I'm sitting staring at the window. I feel like I'm grounded. My Mum says she will take me to corner shop in a bit. I'm just thankful that my friends took me last night, who knows what might of happened if I waited til Friday.


  1. Sorry to hear your lovely day ended up that way but at least you are ok.

    Much love to you xxx

  2. I'm so glad you're okay honey, dont know what I'd do if anything happened to you! <3 Hope you get better soon, and if you need anything just give me a text xxxx
